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This attractive garden guest studio was built for Mikki who runs her own creative agency. The studio needed to be a flexible, multi-purpose space with desk areas, client meeting facilities and space for painting – Mikki is a professional international artist. Not only this, but the bright airy studio has created a superb gallery space for her paintings.


  • Shower room & WC and a small kitchen facility – fitted out in the studio to provide a flexible use of the space. Vertis installed the services to connect the building and the shower room, though the client fitted their own kitchenette for art cleaning purposes.
  • Hard-wired data and telephone cabling – linking the house direct to an under-floor socket box in the middle of the floor for flexibility when used as an office layout; Mikki has since made use of this cabling by adding a video door intercom to speak to callers at the house front door from the garden studio.
  • Internal lay-out of windows and doors and power sockets – set out to suit Mikki’s furniture plans. She has since installed a flexible hanging-rail system to the walls, for easy gallery space to present her commissioned artworks.
  • Sedum roof – the grass-like sedum roof is ideal as the studio is downhill from the house so the view of the planted roof can be enjoyed from the ground floor living rooms.


  • Shower room & WC and a small kitchen facility
  • Hard wired data and telephone cabling for office communications
  • Multi-purpose internal layout
  • Sedum roof

To find out how a garden guest studio can offer you more space why not take a look at our video case study.

If you need more inspiration for a garden guest studio, take a look at garden room extensions.