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Prefab Garden Studio - St Albans


“We did a lot of research to find the right room, and not only did Vertis have the right design and materials we wanted – their service was fantastic from start to finish. In particular, the installation team who built our prefab garden studio were great – in fact, they were better than great!” – Dave and Sandi Ackers.


After changes to our clients’ business, they decided to use their home as an office. Needing extra space to do this, the best option was to utilise the garden.

Their prefab garden studio provides the divide between work and home life – our client uses the room purely for business, but values the practicalities of working from home. The garden is due to be landscaped and will include raised vegetable beds and a cherry blossom tree. In the meantime, the garden is enjoyed by the family dog and pet rabbits which can be a nice distraction for our client when he wants a break from business!


Because of the size of the room and situation, the garden studio required planning permission which we successfully organised. Moving from a managed office, our client wanted to keep the ‘feel’ of an office and chose the full length garden facing windows rather than patio doors. We also included additional decking leading to the garden and alley-way entrance behind the building.

In readiness for the installation of the prefab garden studio, the rear garden fence was replaced and a new gate installed. This allowed access to the garden from the rear, enabling our clients’ work colleagues to visit and use the office without having to enter the garden through the house.

This is a customised garden office and includes a recessed entrance door which creates a larger than normal 1m over-hang to the roof canopy acting as a sheltered entrance. Insulation was also upgraded to fully (Building Regulations) Part L compliant standard for a new-build dwelling house. Floor-mounted socket boxes were also added to deliver power and telecoms services directly underneath our client’s desk, which is located in the middle of the room.

Materials included powder-coated aluminium windows and cedar wood cladding. 15 spotlights were used for extra lighting inside. This office is based on Office Model 6.

If you are considering a prefab garden studio of your own or need more inspiration, take a look at garden room extensions.